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Corner Tavern & Grill
Corner Tavern & Grill
Our original destination for Shake and Date this time was The Iron Bulldog, but after not being able to determine if they indeed had a happy hour due to them not having a website, Brian called and asked....
Brickyard Counter & Bar
This was a cheat as far as far as the Shake and Date guidelines state. But for good reason. We were invited to our granddaughters birthday dinner at this place, and since we know it is in our bottle and...
C Knight's Steakhouse
C Knights Steakhouse
This time our Shake and Date adventure was a bit different than previous locations. C Knights Steakhouse is a very quant (small) restaurant with a theme we’re not sure if it was western or Knights of the...
Back Bistro
Back Bistro
We were on a limited budget due to a good time had with friends last night at Churchhill Arms, but we didn’t want to skip a week, so we just didn’t dive into the menu past the Happy Hour selections....

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